All the [Want-to-Be] Single Ladies: Tips for Women Seeking A Divorce

Leslie Barrows
 | Published: 
February 20, 2023
 | Category: 

Women Seeking A Divorce Get Tips for Becoming Single Ladies Again

At the Barrows Firm in Southlake, Attorney Leslie Barrows gets all kinds of calls and questions from women who want to know their rights and options in a Texas divorce. Sometimes they are planning well in advance, or just need to know where they stand if they get to the point where they cannot remain in the marriage any longer which is either toxically destructive to their health and well-being or their children. It is no surprise that many moms are on their way to becoming single ladies again.

Violence is unacceptable in any family, and nobody should allow themselves or their children to be victims of domestic violence. These are sensitive topics and we at the Barrows Firm are here to help people with safety concerns for themselves and their children. Never tolerate abuse. Call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-7233 to speak with someone 24/7.

Please understand that you do not have to answer anyone but yourself when deciding whether to stay or leave your partner. And when we look at marriages as partnerships some chuckle and say they feel like theirs is more of a dictatorship. Looking at your life from the outside can look different from what you see on the inside.

“Can I do this and be better off, or am I compounding my problems?” many wonder. The truth is that every woman must make her own decision based on what she and her children need and want in life. These are very difficult decisions and many wives and mothers spend years analyzing their situations and testing their strengths, day by day. And when many get to a point they are comfortable getting out of a bad marriage, they start getting excited about becoming single ladies again.

Ladies, Do You Feel Like a Partner or Do You Function in a Role?

Being a partner in a marriage and a team player in a family is important and we all have our roles in families. There can be a balance of duties and responsibilities we decide to share, and there are times that we can make decisions without our spouse. That said, there needs to be a balance in a good relationship where both partners feel comfortable with being partners and making decisions together.

Going along with your husband because he’s your husband does not mean you are making decisions together if you don’t honestly agree on things. And by not saying anything until it comes up later in an argument, you are not being fair to yourself or him. When you know you want more of a say in things you need to communicate that fairly and honestly.

Marriage.com article: When a Woman Feels Neglected in a Relationship

Problems arise when your spouse is not interested in actually being a partner and you realize you have more of a role and set of expectations than anything else. That makes women feel like servants, not partners. Sometimes there is a personality disconnect that cannot be repaired. And sometimes we start learning more about the people we married and understand we are fundamentally incompatible at the core.

Your Kids’ Age May Affect Your Comfort Level Getting Divorced

When parents consider getting a divorce, the kids are the biggest issue, and it’s not only about who gets custody and control. Even if the statistics suggest that divorce is common, what matters to the children is feeling loved and supported no matter what. Women considering a divorce might be more inclined to stick it out for a longer time, hoping for improvement, because they believe the kids are not at the right age where they could handle divorce.

While there may be studies and data suggesting everything under the sun about when kids are ready to experience divorce in their family, it all depends on the individual. How the parents engage with their children is what matters and as well, as how peaceful and respectful they remain in front of them. And as the children generally are a little older and can take care of themselves for the most part, we see it more comfortable for women seeking a divorce. As well, mothers with very young children may be more comfortable with divorce when the kids are too little to know what is going on. Again, every family and situation is unique.

Women Can Change Their Course in Life and Seek Divorce for Different Reasons

People who are dating at different stages in life report they seem to change over time or that they have different interests. What we wanted and tolerated in our younger years might not stand the same as we grow older and gain life experience. There is nothing wrong with growing and maturing into a person who wants and expects more than people are giving them. Many women are seeking a divorce in Texas for this very reason. They have often raised their kids to the point they are okay and it is time for these women to focus on self-care, and sometimes that means divorce.

Psychology Today article: Why Women Are So Much More Likely to Seek a Divorce

We frequently hear these wives say positive things about their husbands while getting divorced. They say they are good fathers in many cases, and there are no shocking allegations of wrongdoing, rather they just grew apart. There’s no fault to be tied to admitting you are changing as a person and want different things and different people. It is a great thing when marriages end unfortunately but not acrimoniously. It is a good thing when mom and dad can move on from their marriage but still be good co-parents regardless of the age of the children.

Hiring a Divorce Law Firm with All Female Attorneys and Staff

Women understand why women divorce. At the Barrows Firm in Southlake, the attorneys and staff are all female and that matters to some women who are seeking a divorce and want to be represented by a law firm of attorneys and staff who are all ladies. What matters to a client approaching divorce and child custody is that they feel represented by professionals they can trust and with whom they can feel comfortable discussing sensitive topics.

What is the Divorce Process with the Barrows Firm in Southlake?

At the Barrows Firm, we sit down with women seeking a divorce, explain the divorce process in Texas, and find out what they want to achieve and what is most important in divorce. While it is different for everyone, some know exactly what they want and others are focused on being done and over with the process as soon as possible. Figuring out a middle ground and understanding a client’s comfort level is important in determining the best-case strategy and how to proceed. There are times to catch bees with honey, and other times more aggressive measures, so to speak.

Barrows Firm Paralegals are First Responders for Women Seeking Divorce

High-quality family law paralegals and staff are so very important to the experience when going through a divorce and child custody suit. The people who take your calls and answer many of your questions along the way are highly trained and experienced paralegals and support staff. Because we have a variety of cases indifferent stages, sometimes the attorneys are in hearings and trials and cannot respond to everything, so it is important to keep things moving at the necessary pace and that is where a high-functioning divorce litigation team is essential to success.

Women Seeking Divorce in Texas Trust The Barrows Firm in Southlake (817) 481-1583